I’m Joyce. And that’s really all you need to know about me.
Just kidding. Do you want the long drawn out dramatic background? Or the short version?
We’re All Med Here is a blog following me throughout medical school and detailing pre-med topics. I aim to give advice on some of these topics and to give you a no filter, honest view of my experiences and a few of the experiences of others joining me on this journey.
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About Me:
I’m currently an IM PGY2 in Florida. I went to Kansas City University, specifically at the Joplin campus and graduated in 2022 as a DO! My journey to medical school was not direct by any means; but to be honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way. As it took me a hot minute to get into medical school, I have appreciated the journey, the people I’ve met along the way, and the lessons learned. In all honesty, it made me appreciate the hardships in medical school more, and I was able to deal with conflicts and curveballs in a much more accepting and understanding manner. I attempted to go into general surgery but life had other plans for me. I ended up doing my intern year as a TY (transitional year) and stayed with the program as an IM resident.
I’m originally from Southeast Michigan; born and bred baby. Growing up I was a competitive dancer and thought I would continue down that path to become a professional dancer. I lived, breathed, and dreamed about nothing but dancing. However, after dancing my whole life, I realized my previous passion was burning me out. So of course in my own fashion, I decided I would go into medicine without any insight into the career path. If you knew my younger self this decision wouldn’t surprise you in the slightest…
I started scribing in the middle of my sophomore year in college and did that for about 6 years. I was exposed to a plethora of specialties in medicine due to this, but I knew that I didn’t want to stay a scribe forever. I applied for medical school 3x. I took the MCAT 6x. My first year I didn’t get in. I was crushed, but determined. My second year I got waitlisted; again. Was I crushed? Yes, but not devastated. By this time, I decided to do a masters (something I did not want to do), but was running out of new options to help me get in. I was waitlisted for my third year at the school I did my masters at, but was thankfully given a spot. I started med school at age 27 going on 28.
My goal is to relate to you. Why? Because, I’m not your traditional medical student. I don’t have time to constantly post how fantabulous my life is on social media. I’m not top of my class. I’m just like most people; sometimes you have to stop giving a flying duck and allow yourself to get a bad grade. I hope I can help you with some advice that you may not get elsewhere. And if anything, you’ll get a less than flashy and in your face view of how my journey through medicine has been. Which- has not been picture perfect. If that is for you, then I’m glad you’ll join me on this ride!