Scribe Series: Assessment & Plan

Just like with everything else in medical writing, your Medical Decision Making (MDM) and assessment and plan will be different depending on your specialty and your provider’s preferences. I will try to walk you through how to go about writing this as a scribe. Ideally, your provider should be dictating this to you OR you should be taking the information that the provider relayed to the patient in the room and using it as your plan. As you improve as a scribe and understand your specialty more, your provider may have you write you own or at least start it on your own. Ultimately, the information should be coming from your provider!

What is an MDM/Assessment & Plan?

Well, by now you should be familiar with the SOAP note format. It is the easiest way to chart; and by easy I mean it makes the most sense to the most people. MDM and assessment and plan fit into the A&P section of the SOAP format.

Assessment (A) are the diagnoses or differential diagnoses that you are trying to rule out. In general, students are encouraged to list their differentials. Attendings with enough experience usually list what they are billing them for as the diagnosis in their assessment. If they are unsure of the diagnosis yet, they will put symptoms with a differential to work through.

The plan (P) is what you intend to do to narrow down the differential, treatment, and any counseling/education you give to your patient. This is a snapshot of what you are doing/intend to do so when you look back at the chart you can see what you’ve done and why. Most providers also give some sort of medical reasoning in with their plan to remind them what they were thinking of when they see the patient again; but not always.

MDM or Medical Decision Making is a combination of both. I saw this the most within the ER notes I was writing. They would write the MDM and discuss why they ruled a diagnosis in or out (reasoning behind their differential), important things they found on labs, and a brief recap of their pertinent HPI and PE. It was an explanation as to how they arrived at their diagnosis. It can also touch upon how the patient’s course was during the ER stay, so they have some reasoning to show why they discharged them, admitted them for observation, or had them admitted to the floor. Usually in my ER charts I would have a course section above the MDM, where many timestamped events were noted. It served as a snapshot to show what was done/why something was ordered/consults that were placed/advice given on consults/etc. That way, your MDM would just be about medical reasoning.

Then usually under the MDM in those cases you would have a diagnosis/assessment line. Here you would place your definitive diagnoses; since you had a paragraph or more above it going through your differentials and medical decision making.


There are literally so many ways I have written these. It’s almost going to be difficult to provide a good way to break it down for you! But I will try my best.

The way I learned in medical school is as follows:

Assessment should be a one line containing the restatement of the patient’s name, age, and chief complaint. It should be followed by the differential diagnoses (which can usually be in bullet or number format) of what the patient’s symptoms may most likely be. Additionally, you would add any chronic diseases or pertinent history that you can count as a diagnosis.

The plan includes what you intend to obtain/do/counseling for the patient. For example:

Assessment: Patient is a 39 y/o M presenting with SOB. DDX include:
- asthma exacerbation
- pneumonia
- bronchitis
- H/o uncontrolled asthma 
- current smoker

- albuterol nebulizer treatments q4 hours for 24 hours at home
- oral steroids

Now, this is a great way to teach students. It is also useful in settings such as internal medicine, family medicine, peds, etc where you are taking care of the patient’s chronic conditions. It can also be helpful in an inpatient setting where you are following the patient over several days. HOWEVER, it is not always used this way.

In the ER setting, as noted above, I would typically use the MDM method. It would look like the following:

MDM: Patient is a 39 y/o M with a h/o uncontrolled asthma and is a current smoker, presenting with SOB, wheezing, and a pulse ox of 88% upon presentation. On exam, he was noted to have inspiratory and expiratory wheezing bilaterally and decreased breath sounds on the L base, tripoding, and was in acute respiratory distress. His VS revealed tachycardia at a HR of 110 and hypoxia with a pulse ox around 88% on RA. He was immediately placed on a nasal cannula with slight improvement to 90%, and was later placed on a non-rebreather with his highest oxygenation at 92%. CXR revealed a patchy infiltrate to his L base. He was given a course of IV steroids, started on IV antibiotics, and given several nebulized albuterol treatments. Patient had some improvement in his symptoms post nebulizer treatments. He was admitted to pulmonology, Dr. Star, for further management. 

Diagnosis: 1. Pneumonia 2. Hypoxia 3. Uncontrolled asthma, likely exacerbation 4. Current smoker

Disposition: Admitted

Here, you can see the thinking behind why we did what we did. In more complicated cases, you would have several differential diagnoses that you would show you ruled in or out. For this one, the treatment/evaluation was more forward.

Now, a lot of times an MDM will show up in a different format. It will appear like a separate A&P, but essentially be a full MDM. I have seen this in internal medicine look something like this:

1. Diagnosis. talk about it. Why you are ordering labs, why you are concerned, and what you talked about with the patient and any at home things they need to do.
2. Next diagnosis. Same thing
3. Next diagnosis. You get the idea

Again, I used this a lot in my internal medicine and family medicine clinics as a scribe. That way, the A&P were together in one place and anyone reading the chart (but more likely the original physician who read it back before seeing them again) could see their diagnosis, their differential in why they were concerned, what they ordered or next steps in ordering, and what they told the patient. That way, they knew exactly what they were thinking and what was relayed to the patient.

See in medical school, they like things nice and neat. They want you to be complete, but don’t want things to be a mess. The way they taught us all the way up above at the start of this post makes things uniform. Especially since people in the first two years have varying degrees of previous exposure to writing notes.

HOWEVER, the internal medicine version I just mentioned is much more inclusive of everything. And as a scribe, it helped me lump in why we were doing things for which diagnosis. It also helped me learn some at home/plan things that were typically involved with each diagnosis. You start learning what labs, imaging, and at home changes the patient needs to do for what types of diagnoses. One, you learn which will always help you. Two, when you start hearing the spiel for the next patient or for patients down the line, you know where you are going to put that information in the chart and what diagnosis it should go with!

Now, this example probably wouldn’t be as well suited for an outpatient visit. So I’ll try another one in this format.

 1. Elevated blood pressure. Patient has had two office recordings of elevated blood pressures. This was discussed today in office. At this time, he does not meet criteria for HTN, however we have discussed obtaining a BP cuff for home, or going to a local CVS/Walgreens/Walmart to regularly check his pressures. If he obtains one for home, discussed having a nurse visit to make sure it is properly calibrated. If he is using a store, discussed the importance of using the same cuff from the same store to obtain accurate readings. We will review his readings upon his follow up visit. Behavioral modifications such as walking more, or starting more exercise/activity, increasing his water intake over sodas/teas/sugary drinks, and lowering his salt intake discussed and patient given high blood pressure handout. All questions/concerns addressed. 

2. Pre-diabetes. Patients Hemoglobin A1c in office today is 6. Diet versus medication discussed at length. Patient would like to trial behavioral and diet modifications first. Will see how this is going when he returns for his BP checkup, otherwise will obtain another A1c in 3 months. Side effects of metformin, dosing, and regimen discussed at length. Offered a referral to our in house nutritionist, which he would like to schedule a visit with. 

3. BMI of 31. Discussed importance of weight loss, which would help improve both his elevated BP and pre-diabetes. Healthy food choices and exercise/activity discussed. 

4. Smoking. Cessation discussed. Patient is not willing to quit at this time as he reports it "helps with stress". However he is willing to trial cutting back. Cessation assistance offered, he declined today.

As you can see, I set this one up for a really great future heart disease patient. But you will see a lot of people like this in clinic. The first bullet point is longer than I would have put; this is for your benefit so you can see what something may be talked about in clinic. In general, you would probably put less than that. As a new scribe though, there is nothing wrong with writing that down. Just don’t be sad when your provider erases a chunk of it, as it is implied in the notes that all those things were discussed.

What do you put in the plan versus the patient’s handout?

Great question! So glad you asked.

In general, a lot of what you will put in your plan versus the patient handout will be the same. The only differences are you will put more information of what was explicitly discussed in the patient’s handout and you will write it in layman’s terms. You will need to put all those details in there of making a nurse visit, suggesting for activity, suggestions for small changes discussed as there is usually a lot talked about in a doctors visit. Having all that written down will help the patient remember. This will get printed either by the physician or the front desk staff before they checkout and handed to them to take home.

PLUS, a lot of EMR’s now have pre-made handouts for different diseases. So you can search for the disease and what type of information you want to give the patient to have that printed out as well. For example, for pre-diabetes nutritional guide, you could find that instead of just a handout explaining what pre-diabetes is and why it’s concerning.

The plan will be a shorter, more concisely worded, and with more medical jargon put in place. The plan will be part of your SOAP note. The printout will be in the chart, but not part of the actual note itself that your doctor and other physicians will read. That is why they look at the plan!

I hope this was helpful in differentiating and how to write an A&P versus an MDM. Again, just like with your HPI’s, practice makes perfect. Thankfully though, a lot of this will either be directly dictated to you or discussed with the patient in the room, and you just have to jot down the information.

Good luck! Cheers.

Curriculum Vitae

Hello MedHatters!

Today I wanted to tackle going over a curriculum vitae, or a CV as most people call it. You will need to learn how to “buff” up your CV, and continue to add/tweak it as you progress into each stage in your pre-med and medical career. You will use this as your resume as a physician, physician assistant, or pre-med student at every step in your journey and for every medical or science related job you will apply for.

This post will be a bit link heavy, just because all of these documents are on my google drive.

This used to be such a mystery to me. And to be honest, I used my resume for a very long time because it doubled as both my CV and my resume. Big mistake. Mostly because I wanted my resume to stand out, and CV’s are very fact based without much of the frills associated with it. So, here is an edited version of my former resume/CV that I used for a while:

My Old CV. Now, this is several years old. I last updated it while I was in my master’s program (2016-2017) as I was re-applying to medical school. I also wasn’t sure if I would need to apply for a job after obtaining my masters. So a lot of things are out of date, and obviously personal information for myself and others were redacted.

See how beautiful and full of extra frills it is? Great for getting your resume picked/noticed out of a pile of them when applying for jobs, like a regular resume. NOT a good look for a CV.

What is it?

A CV is important this is basically a list of your academic achievements and jobs from the start of your pre-med journey until you basically retire. CV’s are used in science-based careers as a way to showcase all of the work one has done in their field and includes the special skills and talents that you have. It follows everything that you have done for your career, from start to finish.

It is different than a resume however. Some call it a “resume” because everyone knows what a resume is. A resume will usually be shorter, and is solely focused on job experience and what you learned/achieved/pioneered at each job. Yes, there are areas to highlight other skills, but most of the space on a resume is containing what you did at your previous work. You tailor this mostly to fit the job you are applying for (so it may change each time you apply for a new job). You likely won’t keep everything on your resume, because you are trying to highlight certain skills for the particular position you want. With a CV, you usually keep everything. Or most everything.

When you are first starting out (high school, early college), you will end up putting every experience on your resume. That is just how it goes. As a human you haven’t built up enough skills, so every new skill you learn counts as you are entering into the adulting world of jobs. You don’t have enough experience or haven’t worked enough jobs to be able to pick and choose which ones you believe will fit well on your resume either at this point. This will be similar for your CV when you first start out as well.

A CV on the other hand is very field focused. And by field, I mean basically everything in science lol. Usually if you have a CV you are working in some limited subset or certain branches of the sciences. When you first start with your CV, you will have pertinent information from high school and college to help get you into medical school. By the time you are in medical school, you will only keep the more recent things from college or the experiences that you spent a lot of time with on there. The rest will be what you built up in medical school.

As you move on from each stage in your life, you will start to lose the information from your education days and only keep what you’ve learned and done in the field. Or from residency and up. From here you will just tack on everything.

The club I am in charge of this past year has had a CV workshop every fall for the past 3 years. I am using the resources sent to use to give to students for this workshop.  So yes, very credible and not like I just pulled it out of thin air.

Most of these resources on the internet are a bit hard to find. I struggled trying to figure out what I should have on my CV before being apart of this club and being able to even look at a decent example of one. IDK why they are so elusive with trying to teach us how to write these. If you’ve happened to work with someone who has been willing to sit down with you and show you how to write a good CV, OR you have been able to find good resources online, great! I would love for ya’ll to share those resources down below in the comments to help each other out.

But here is a guide to writing resumes & CV’s.


I still recommend you have someone either in the field or whose specific job it is to look at CV’s and resumes review yours. Whether you take part in Joplin-MAOPS’s CV clinics where professors and professionals help you with your CV, or you seek it out with a professional service. Sometimes your undergraduate professors or career counselors are willing to help. I think this is the most invaluable way to help your CV.

Hopefully MAOPS keeps this clinic running after I leave. I found it super helpful and I know a lot of other students did as well!

Breakdown of a CV

Just like a resume, your CV needs to have your name and contact information on it and be in a very easily noticeable and accessible spot. So usually the top of the first page. For those of you that may not realize why this is important, if an employer or lab you want to volunteer with or physician you are trying to get to write you a letter of rec doesn’t have a name that they can easily find (or a name at all), they aren’t going to waste their time. This means no potential job, no potential opportunity to work in that lab, and definitely no letter of rec. They will usually just throw it out. Because there is no way of knowing who you are and how to contact you. Although, if you are asking for a letter of rec from someone you know, they likely don’t need it. But still.

In general, the next best header to use is education. Put your most recent first, even if you haven’t graduated yet. And if you are a medical student, MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOU ARE A CANDIDATE FOR THIS DEGREE OR A CURRENT STUDENT. Because we are dealing with a doctor of osteopathic or allopathic degree, you need to make sure you aren’t lying and saying you are a doctor before you are. This can get you in a lot of trouble. Sometimes just showing that the graduation year hasn’t occurred yet isn’t enough…

Since I attended KCU for both my master’s of science education & currently for my DO education, I broke them into 2. You can keep them as one group though.

There are a lot of other headers on this example CV that I have. You will need to remove headers that don’t apply to you and potentially add some that fit into your journey for the time being. So, if you are a sophomore in undergrad, you won’t need board scores. You likely won’t have any invited lecturers/presentations or publications yet. If you do, again, great! If you just recently started your journey or haven’t been able to beef it up much in awhile, showcase things like recent volunteer work on your CV.

I never went down the road of research and publications because I really dislike it. Which, I have not been shy about stating before. This area of my CV is severely lacking and so I don’t keep it in.

Example CV.  I suggest keeping a copy of this original example somewhere, and then either creating your own or making a copy of it and turning it into your own. You may not need all of these headers right now, right this second. But if you are like me, you’ll forget what other headers there might be. You’ll want it as a reference when you start adding other experience to yours as time goes on!

Also this is a very basic template. It is meant to be filled out by you. If you want more examples, when you are on your search engine type in “science CV”. The science part is important, as it will bring up more examples similar to those in the field you want to work in. Again, disregard any that have fancy frills, pictures, etc. I’ve been told by one of my professors (PhD in biochem) that if he sees anything like that, he isn’t interested in looking at the CV. He stated he wanted to see your experience and accomplishments for what they are.

Do’s and Dont’s

The last bit of advice I have to pass on is some do’s and don’ts. Most of it will be in the form of another linked document to my drive.

But if you are tired of clicking on so many links, there is the quick version of it:

  • It’s okay for your CV to be long. In fact, the longer it is, it means you’ve had more experience because it is a running list. Don’t worry about feeling bad if you don’t have a ton, you are likely just starting out!
  • Yes, you can always edit your CV for a specific job you want. Make sure you keep that information though so you can put it back into your regular CV.
  • Chronological order is a must.
  • Use active verbs! And keep things concise.
  • Again, if using this during undergrad, tailor it for that. If using while in medical school, make sure you are only using medical school and up. Unless you did something for majority of your undergrad or it is a related experience, you shouldn’t need it once you are in medical school.
  • If you find that you have had several similar experiences/jobs, you don’t need to go into every detail of what you did. Explain those details under the first job/experience, then only have 1-2 sentences for the remainder of your similar experiences.

Do’s and Don’ts document

I hope this was helpful to ya’ll. Cheers!