Hello hello!
Long time no post. I take my COMLEX II tomorrow and I just felt like avoiding studying for a few minutes. Procrastination at it’s finest baby!
I hope you all are doing well. I hope you are doing that hustling and making your dreams a reality. And if you aren’t, and just sitting on your couch stuffing snacks into your face while you binge watch a show I am jealous of you. But also proud of you.
I’m currently on my third (maybe fourth?) glass of wine while I am in the tub the day before my exam. I’m attempting to relearn cranial for a few points on my exam, however there are no f’s given at this point. It is what it is.
If you know me, you know I like to drink while studying and let the universe do as it pleases. It will all work out in the end. No amount of stress will change my score. I will be where I am supposed to be.
But also wine tastes delicious.
Good luck to everyone who started orientation into medical school over the past few weeks! And good luck to those who are still hustling for their dream. Medicine is not easy, and I do not wish this burden on anyone. However, for those of you that refuse to let anyone stand in your way of your dream you are meant to be here.
It is a long road.
A hard road.
But one that will be rewarding.
Your sacrifice will make a difference. No matter how little, it will.
Continue to work towards your dream, work on yourself, and good luck. If I can make it into med school and still survive so can you. Tenacity and determination will be your friend.
Doors will close in your face. It will hurt. But if you want this bad enough, you will be willing to follow a road less traveled. Not everyone is handed an acceptance the first time they try to get in. Take it from someone who is really good at taking the long and winding road. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but I know the harder you have to work, the more sweet the prize.
In the words of my best friends: “You didn’t get this far just to get this far”.
Alright, I should probably learn cranial now for this exam. Love you all and thank you for reading my really weird posts. I appreciate it.