What is Osteopathy?

Hello Medhatters!

For those of you who did not know, I am currently (as of 2018) an OMS-1 student at Kansas City University. As an osteopathic medical student, this means I am not only learning all about medicine in the traditional sense, but also learning how to manipulate the body through osteopathic treatment and manipulation (called OMT or OMM) to learn to treat disorders of the body.

If you are looking into medical school and are undecided if you should go the MD or DO route, hopefully this helps clear things up a bit for you. If you are just curious or just starting out your research on medical school and medicine, I hope this sheds some light for you as well!

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is the philosophy of knowing the structure and function of the body and being able to use this knowledge to aid in the health and healing of the body. This practice looks at the host, (or patient) as a whole, instead of individually looking at just the problem area. In combination of seeing the patient as a whole + treating the disease/illness = overall improvement in health. By using our hands to feel and use OMM, we can help accomplish this! And this is generally how osteopathy operates.

How is this used in practice?

According to AACOM.org, Osteopathic medicine provides all of the benefits of modern medicine including prescription drugs, surgery, and the use of technology to diagnose disease and evaluate injury. It also offers the added benefit of hands-on diagnosis and treatment through a system of treatment known as osteopathic manipulative medicine. Osteopathic medicine emphasizes helping each person achieve a high level of wellness by focusing on health promotion and disease prevention.”

You can also check out the link above for more information on the American Association of Collages of Osteopathic Medicine's website.

So, we still learn how to do surgery (in residency if that’s what you choose to go into), prescribe medications, and learn all about disease processes just like MD students do, but we add learning how to do OMM. OMM is used to treat things such as tight muscles, to treat a fancy term described as somatic dysfunction (which is anything that is unequal or off from the normal for the patient that can be treated by OMM more-or-less), poor circulation of lymph or blood flow, etc. In my first semester, most of what we have learned so far is finding if one side is unequal to another, or finding a very tight muscle and learning to fix it or cause it to relax. (This has been great for my tight neck and back!)

Now, OMM doesn’t treat everything. There are many types of techniques that have both general and very specific contraindications (or makes that treatment inadvisable to performing it on that patient). There are also many different types of treatments that we learn. So if one doesn’t work, there could be many others that may work.

However, if none of the options are recommended to be performed on a patient, or they aren’t working/the patient cannot tolerate them well or isn’t understanding the directions well, we need to look into the more “traditional” method. In this scenario, an osteopathic physician would treat the disease itself (so your typical medical measures such as medication, surgery, etc) as the patient would be unable to handle OMM without potentially causing more of an issue. But as a whole, if we can integrate OMM in combination with medically treating the issue, the patient should overall have improved health.

Honestly, I think this has a lot of appeal. Think of how many patients who do not want to undergo surgery, take pain medications, or muscle relaxants when they can come get a few second to a few minute treatment on their problem area(s). Its much less of a cost, much less invasive, and has immediate effects if it is indicated and safe to do OMM.

As a side note; just because an osteopathic physician is trained in a more wholistic fashion, doesn't mean many of us are also well versed or trained in holistic medicine. Some providers will know a lot about supplements and alternatives in that sense. But we do not get additional teaching on this. This has to be a side interest for any physician to learn. 

Some physicians may also learn things such as acupuncture or massage therapy to help assist with OMM. But again, not every provider will undertake this!

4 tenants of Osteopathic Medicine

There are 4 tenants of osteopathic medicine that we abide by. They are brought up many times (at least during our first year) and are listed as follows:

  • The person is a unit of body, mind, & spirit
  • The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance (Meaning may leave it to fix itself. However if having a fracture & displaced arm, interventional treatment is needed to help itself heal)
  • Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated
  • Rational treatment is based upon understanding & implementing the other 3 tenants

History of Osteopathy

Osteopathic medicine all started with this guy ——>

A.T. Still.

At my school (and I’m sure at many other D.O. schools) we have to learn about what happens leading up to this main point, but basically after the Civil War (in which A.T. Still was a general in the battle of Westport; which is now a bar scene/district in Kansas City), he went back to his farm to live a “normal” life. 10 years after the war, in 1874, he “flung his banner into the breeze” (don’t ask me what that means because I still have no idea) which basically meant he decided to pursue his idea of osteopathy. At the time that he was a farmer, he was also the town’s physician and a Methodist church pastor.

When he spread the word and his idea about osteopathy, he was formally removed from the Methodist church and basically outed from his town. This is all still occurring in 1874.

Additionally in 1874 the first osteopathic technique was recorded. By 1875 A.T. Still officially moved his family to Kirksville, MO and he continued to work as a traveling physician in rural MO (since ya know, he was run out of his town and he had to keep making money).

Side note; Kirksville, MO ends up being where A.T. Still University (a DO school, obvi) will be in the future.

By 1885, Still coins the term “osteopathy”. Which doesn’t seem like a big step now but we use it daily in DO school.

In 1886 he becomes busy enough to stay in Kirksville and be the town’s physician.

It took until 1892 to open his first school, coined American School of Osteopathy (which will later become A.T. Still University). By 1900 it becomes the largest school of the healing arts.

Prior to A.T. Still passing away in 1917 he ends up publishing several books based on his research, his techniques, and his autobiographies.

How DO’s treat: the approach

Now, I don’t have a ton of practice in this yet and we haven’t really learned to integrate this into our PCM courses, SP encounters, or future patients. But so far in my first semester, we learn how to do an isolated exam and then to treat what we’ve learned so far (when in our osteopathic labs only).

From how we’ve been taught so far, it’s by far easiest to ask if there are problem areas for us to look at (because let’s be real, you don’t normally do a full body exam to find something. The patient tells you what’s bothering them!). Then we assess if its symmetric/even to the other side or not, tense, or more rotated/prefers one side.

Usually if you look hard enough though you can find something to treat. Or you don’t have to look hard at all. I mean, there is that too lol.

When assessing we look for TART. Which stands for tissue texture changes, asymmetry, range or motion, and tenderness. If there is any one of these, or more than 1 of these, it is worth looking into more to decide to treat. Then we pick a technique and “try” to fix the problem area with the limited number of treatment types we’ve been taught. I say “try” because 1) I’m a first year and I’m still trying to figure out what I’m feeling and 2) it may work for many patients but not be the best technique for that particular patient & their problem. Or 3) they need a combination of a couple of different types of treatments.

So far I have learned how to do soft tissue techniques (similar to some types of massage), lymph flow improvement, muscle energy, articulations, and I’m currently learning counterstrain! 

We will eventually learn how to pop (called HVLA), BUT, that is not everyone’s cup of tea. It certainly isn’t mine. But popping isn’t the only technique we learn or that DO’s use. In fact, I would say counterstrain and muscle energy would be more widely used to treat.

From my understanding, by the time we have boards we have to do a full “SP” encounter (for more information on my PCM course check out my What is the PCM Course at KCU post) and do an osteopathic examination/TART screening, and a treatment for that area.

Since we aren’t there yet in our first semester, we don’t have to worry about trying to do an osteopathic exam or a treatment for the person’s issue. I’m sure we will start to learn how to do that by the end of our first year or the beginning of our second year.

Again, we integrate OMM like we would with any other treatment. So, if you have an elbow that bothers you and a physician recommends rest, ice, ibuprofen, and reducing activity, a D.O. physician may also do an OMM treatment to help the body move healing along at the elbow joint as well.

Lastly, if you go into a specialty where OMM doesn’t really integrate well, or you choose not to use OMM, that is okay too!

As always, let me know what you liked, didn’t like, or what you would like to see next in the comments below!

Looking Back…Reflecting on How Far I’ve Come

Hmm… I’m not really sure what to call this right now or how to go about this.

Some recent life changes have occurred in my life and in the lives of a few people I care about. It’s most definitely putting me in a reflecting mood.

But I was reflecting on my life and how I got to where I’ve gotten a few days after returning back to the semester. Here I am, working at 6 am (I’m a student assistant) with not much happening around me. I’m supposed to be looking at histology, but let’s be real; histo and I don’t really understand each other. So needless to say it’s a bit of a struggle bus.

I remember being so angry the several years I was trying to get into medical school and didn’t get in. I was angry that several people that I knew were getting in, when maybe (to me) they weren’t a great candidate. Or I was just jealous.

Undergrad Graduation Day 2015

Honestly, I was probably just jealous.

But, I couldn’t understand why it seemed like everyone else was getting in and I wasn’t. Why, even though I felt like I was studying hard for the MCAT but was not doing well? Why, even though I had tons of scribe experience was I not getting interviews? Why?

Looking back I realized that I still had several life lessons to learn. I had people I needed to see were toxic in my life. I needed to believe in myself that I could let go and be lost for a bit and still find my way. I needed to branch out, try something new, and really figure out my self-confidence and know where my abilities lie and where my weak spots were. I needed to do some soul searching for myself.

I also needed to meet certain people. People who would make a huge difference in my life. People who would show me what true friendship meant again. Support. But people who would challenge me. I needed all of these life changes.

Master’s Graduation Day 2018

A different tune if you will.

It was just as pretty of a melody, but it was different. And I liked it.

Honestly, if I would have gone to medical school the years that I was pissed I didn’t get in; I wouldn’t have made it. I was too anxious. Too dependent. Not confident enough in myself or my abilities. I had never truly let go or tried to let myself figure something out that wasn’t “by the book”. I needed all those years to struggle. For doors to slam in my face and opportunities to go by. I’m glad I still tried to get those opportunities, but also glad they didn’t work out. All those tears. All those frustrating times. All of those failures needed to happen for me.

I needed to challenge my relationships in every aspect and see which ones were working out for me, which ones weren’t, and which ones I needed to be more wary of but that would likely never completely be rid of.

I needed to grow up. Find my confidence, stretch my legs, and meet all these wonderful people I’ve meet along the way. I needed to grow so much personally before I could grow professionally and academically.

White Coat Day 2018

So to my past self: I know it was hard. It was hard to watch what seemed like everyone get into a medical school, or PA school, or move on with their life. I know it was hard to feel like you were stagnate. But you needed that. You needed to swim around and find out the perimeter of your own pond before you could hop out, travel across the way, and find a new and larger body of water.

You may not be where you want to be, but if it is meant to be or if you want it bad enough; it will happen. You just have to know that even though you really want it right this second, it may not be the right time for you. That’s a hard pill to swallow, especially in such an instant gratification type of world. But just because something isn’t happening right then, or within a few months, or even a few years, doesn’t mean it won’t completely happen for you. Or maybe when you find yourself trying to pursue a route you thought you really wanted, you realized that you actually want something else.

That’s okay. That’s why they call it a journey.

It’s the process itself that you learn to grow and change. Not the end destination.