Hello. Here is another quiz. I don’t feel like I encompassed much in this quiz but I didn’t want to overwhelm ya’ll so it is only 20 questions. Should be pretty easy!
#1. What does N/V/D mean?
#2. what is the term for bloody stool?
#3. what is the term for dark, tarry stool?
#4. what is hematemesis?
#5. what is characteristically described as “coffee ground” in appearance?
#6. What electrolytes are you concerned about with vomiting?
Select all that apply:
#7. what acid/base disorder can occur with excess vomiting?
#8. what electrolytes does excess diarrhea effect?
#9. what acid/base disorder can occur with excessive diarrhea?
#10. Patient comes in with RUQ abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. What is your differential?
Select all that apply:
#11. What does McBurney’s point rule in or out?
#12. what does Murphy’s sign rule in or out?
#13. what is the best test to view the gallbladder?
#14. what labs are more specific for gallbladder disease?
Select all that apply: